3 thoughts on “Do You Need A Diet Plan to Lose Weight?”

  1. Julie A Wilson

    I know that I need to loose weight. But my problem is that I want to also keep it off and get my health back. I want something that I can stick to. My morning routine is that I wake up around 345 am and I start getting ready for work and I take my blood pressure meds and my pain meds for the day. At 530 am I am out the door and on my way to work. I drive and hour and a half to my job one way and then I work for ten hours and drive back home and I then eat dinner and I am in bed by ten pm.

    1. Mitra

      Hi Julie,
      You’ve definitely got busy days! And for sure you don’t need restrictive diets to lose weight. You just can’t apply those complicated rules! You need to keep it simple because otherwise it won’t be sustainable. I just want to remind you something: the all or nothing mentality is our worse enemy. Any step you take to get your nutrition under control and your health back counts, even small ones.
      Thank you for sharing your morning routine with me and stay tuned, I’ll share more tips and content every week.

  2. Pingback: Do you need to be perfectly self-disciplined to lose weight? – Mitra COutier-DELgosha

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