When is the right time to lose weight?

Are you struggling with time? If you’re like many adults, chances are the answer to this question is a massive YES!

So when is the best time to start to lose weight? The short answer is now! This may sound cliché but it’s not:

If you are waiting for the right time in your life to start to lose weight, you may wait forever. There will always be something urgent to get done and in a blink you will be at the same point, 12 months later!

Plus, if losing weight feels hard, it means you’re in the wrong place! Because losing weight shouldn’t feel hard. True, lasting weightloss results are obtained with some strategic lifestyle changes. And if you choose the right method, you will lose weight for good, and it will so much simplify your life!

In this video, you can hear me giving you some more details on what I think about the weightloss methods that make us so miserable that we keep postponing our weightloss journey.

#weightloss, #french , #nodietingweightloss , #busywomen

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